General Terms and Conditions


  1. The application for a place at the school will be made by completing the form "application for a place" that is available on the website of the College. The request must be signed by both parents or guardians. Places will be assigned in accordance with the Admissions Regulations.

  2. In case of availability of a place, the College will notify the legal representatives of the minor. As long as the required registration requirements have not been met, no applicant will be considered admitted as a student of the College. The regularization of the academic situation of the minor, before entering the School, is the responsibility of their parents or guardians.

  3. First-time students must pay the admission fee and the registration fee indicated in the price list. Students who renew their place must pay the corresponding registration fee.

  4. New students must present the following documents:

    1. Birth certificate, DNI, NIE or passport of the student.

    2. DNI, NIE or passport of the parents or guardians.

    3. Photocopy of the family book or document that justifies the legal representation of the minor.

    4. Photocopy of the vaccination record and official medical certificate or responsible statement from the legal representatives about the minor's medical conditions, in case of illness or allergy.

    5. Color photograph of the student.

    6. Certificates from previous Colleges (if applicable).

  5. Online forms to fill out:

    1. Registration form.

    2. Registration form-renewal of places-conditions.

    3. Authorization for access and use of the center's internal management platform.

    4. Authorization for the publication of images, videos, photos.

    5. Morning classroom request (if applicable).

    6. Bus service request (if applicable).

    7. Drug formulary (if applicable).

    8. Bank debit form.

  6. The school reserves the right to admit new students and to renew places in accordance with the Internal Regulations, without the need to justify said decision.


  1. All invoices must be paid by direct debit, signing the authorization form provided by the school. Invoices will be submitted to each bank account during the first five days of each month. Any change in bank details must be announced 20 days in advance to avoid bank rejections. In case of return of the receipt, an additional € 5 will be charged.

  2. Parents and guardians have the duty to pay, on time, the school fees and other academic expenses that correspond. The non-payment of three months of schooling by a student will lead to the termination of the contractual relationship with the School, with the consequent loss of the student's school place (expulsion or non-renewal of the place) and the possibility of claiming the unpaid amounts for all legal means.

  3. The school may retain the student's academic record until the debt generated by the student's schooling is paid in full.

  4. No amount will be reimbursed for the absence of a student, whether due to illness or any other cause.

  5. Any withdrawal of a student from the school must be notified to at least three months in advance. If this notice is not given, the interested party must pay the following three months, from the day the school receives the notice.

  6. The confirmation of the place for the following academic year (course) must be done annually during the month of March. Confirmation of registration must be made within the established deadlines. The College reserves the right to cancel an enrollment or release places at the College for the following school year if we do not receive confirmation on time. If there are any pending payments, the confirmation will not be accepted. The final decision on re-enrollment is at the discretion of the school.

  7. The right of admission and registration fees will not be reimbursed in any case.

  8. The homologation fees of the Baccalaureate Degree and the UNED fees (of the credential for access to the University, of the PCEs or Specific Competence Tests, etc.) are not included in the tuition fees. For the Center to carry out their management, they must be paid in advance. No formalities will be carried out for the homologation of the Baccalaureate Degree or at the UNED if the student is not up to date on his payments of any kind at the center. Likewise, the application fees for a place in UK Universities through UCAS are not included in the tuition fees. For the Center to carry out their management, they must be paid in advance.

  9. The tuition fee includes a call for the Cambridge and Edexcel exams and an option to recover or improve the grade for each subject. Exams from other Universities or institutions are not included.

  10. The tuition fees in force at the signing of this document, may exceptionally suffer during the course to which they refer, modifications that will never exceed 5% of the annual tuition. The Board of Directors of Colegio Británico SA is responsible for assessing and adopting the agreement in this regard.

  11. All school supplies are included in the school fees. The exceptions are voluntary reading books and individual electronic devices that the student must use in the classroom, which will be their property and, therefore, at their expense.

  12. In the event that all or part of the school is temporarily or permanently closed due to a pandemic, terrorism or for any other reason, the school will not be responsible for reimbursing any fees.

  13. Any withdrawal of a student from the school must be notified to   at least three months in advance. If this notice is not given, the interested party must pay the following three months, from the day the school receives the notice.



  1. Parents agree to support internal school regulations regarding general discipline, uniform, and duties for children.

  2. The student's parents / guardians must agree to the BSC terms and conditions posted on the website.

  3. The school uniform must be worn in accordance with the Uniform Policy. All uniforms must be marked with the student's full name.

  4. Parents agree to immediately report any change in address, phone number, or email.

  5. The school reserves the right to temporarily or permanently exclude students whose behavior warrants it, in the opinion of the principal.

  6. BSC requires a written permission from the parents of EYFS and elementary students, if a different person and unknown to the school will pick up the child at the school or at the bus stop.

  7. The school is not responsible for the supervision of students who remain on the premises more than 15 minutes before or after normal school hours, unless they are attending an official extracurricular activity or additional class or are enrolled in special supervised groups.

  8. The school has insurance that covers accidents that may occur to students at school or during any school activity. Any claim must be made as soon as possible. In the event of a serious accident, the children will be taken to a medical center for first aid. The insurance policy does not cover the loss of personal property.

  9. The school cafeteria is compulsory for all students. Bringing food from home (tuppers) to school is not allowed.

  10. If exceptionally you must pick up your child during class hours, you must notify it to
